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Hypnotherapy London - Malminder Gill MNCIP
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Hypnotherapy For Sleep London
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In this week’s post I talk about natural remedies and solutions to help overcome and manage sleep deprivation and insomnia. Written by Hypnotherapist Harley Street, Malminder Gill, 1 September 2015 published online via the Hypnosis in London Blog.

Sleep deprivation is linked to a host of health, awareness and safety consequences. Ongoing research suggests people who do not get adequate sleep tend to gain weight. Sleep disorders have been associated with heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and depression.

People with insomnia experience daytime sleepiness. Productivity at work declines. Alertness and concentration abilities decline. Reaction times slow. Chronic fatigue sets-in. Metabolism slows. Immune system weakens. Stress levels increase. Relationships suffer.

If you have trouble trying to sleep, staying asleep and wake up exhausted, natural sleep therapies may help.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a calming herb. It contains terpenes, which are plant chemicals that promote relaxation. Supplements may consist of lemon balm, chamomile, hops and valerian.

German doctors routinely prescribe lemon balm as a medicinal tea for their insomnia patients. This fragrant herb is endorsed by the Germany Commission E, whose counterpart in the US is the FDA.


Chamomile’s apple-like fragrance makes a pleasant bedtime tea. Modern-day herbalists recommend chamomile for anxiety and insomnia, as the herb depresses the central nervous system. To wake up refreshed, without a sleeping drug hangover, try chamomile.


Aromatherapists love lavender for helping sleep deprivation. Just add about 8-10 drops of lavender essential oil to warm bathwater before bedtime. Or, sprinkle 3-4 drops on your pillow.

Studies show lavender boosts your time in deep sleep. This is a particular benefit for people who wake up several times during the night.


People have relied on passion flower therapy for centuries for anxiety and insomnia. This non-addicting herb contains tranquilizing properties, including maltol and flavonids.

According to scientists, passionflower enhances gamma aminobutyic acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA lessens certain brain cell activity, which helps you to relax.


Oats are rich in melatonin, a natural sleep aid. They contain the minerals magnesium and calcium, which support quality sleep. Take a small bowl of oats with milk as a bedtime snack.

Oats raise blood sugar. As the body goes into insulin production mode, brain chemicals that induce sleep are also triggered.


If you’ve ever gotten sleepy after drinking a couple of beers, give the credit to hop. Long before beer, hop was used to treat insomnia and anxiety. It contains methyl-butenol , which sedates the nervous system.


Nutmeg is an excellent sleep inducer. The only caveat is the 4-5 hour lag- time between ingestion and its effects. However, it is great for people who wake up during the night, because once the effects kick in, they last about eight hours.


Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the body. It works quickly, with no known side effects. It is relatively inexpensive. The pineal gland begins producing melatonin around 9PM. As melatonin levels in the blood increase, you relax and sleep seems attractive.

The pineal gland only works in a dim environment. Bright indoor lights can thwart the distribution of melatonin.

Preliminary studies found melatonin useful in helping people fall asleep faster and waking up less during the night. Length of quality sleep is yet to be determined.


However, if you are still suffering from insomnia and sleep deprivation, it might be time to seek hypnotherapy to uncover and address the reasons that are contributing to lack of sleep, such as stress and anxiety management. For more information about Hypnosis for Insomnia contact Malminder for private 1-2-1 sessions at her practice in Harley Street or online via Skype. You can also visit the online store for a relaxation Mp3 download to aid sleep.

Malminder is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Coach and a published author.

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