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Hypnosis In London Distractions With Goals

Which Distraction Is Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals?

What’s getting in the way of your goals? If you’re already giving up on your 2021 resolutions or perhaps have long-standing goals you haven’t yet achieved, you’re not alone. Research suggests that just 8% of people actually achieve their goals.

So, is there something distracting you on the road to your goals, and what can you do to stay on track?

In yogic philosophy, there are nine distractions (antarayas) that can get in the way of success. Despite being developed thousands of years ago, they are still remarkably relevant today. Especially when we consider the obstacles people face and why 92% of people don’t reach the goals they have set for themselves.

So, whether your goal is a work project, a promotion, a weight loss or fitness goal, or something else entirely, which of these nine distractions is getting in your way?

Nine Distractions Getting In Your Way

Illness (Vyadhi)

So often, we neglect to consider our health or energy levels when focusing on our goals. We typically approach a goal as a sprint, when most goals need to be planned as a marathon. As a result, it is not uncommon to see illnesses such as burnout and exhaustion when striving towards a goal. Similarly, you may neglect a healthy lifestyle as you hone in your focus on just one goal.

With this, it’s essential to plan your goals with a healthy lifestyle in mind. This means scheduling breaks and self-care time, making sure you make a healthy diet a priority and ensuring a balanced lifestyle.

When you feel healthy and happy, you have greater clarity on your goals, helping you plan your next step carefully.

Doubt (Samśaya)

It can be so easy for self-doubt to creep in when you face a setback in a goal, progress stagnates, or that goal feels far more challenging. You may think that your goal is too hard, that you’re not able to do it, or perhaps are envious of other people achieving a similar goal, seemingly with ease.

If doubt is getting in your way, it can help to break your goal down into smaller steps so that it feels more achievable, rather than overwhelming. It is also important to keep your goal enjoyable too. Adding fun to your goal makes it easier to maintain and can increase your own self-confidence too.

Apathy (Styana)

Procrastination is one of the biggest obstacles that gets in the way of goals. Procrastination can often stem from restlessness or lack of enthusiasm. When apathy occurs with your goals, it is time to review your goals. Are they really what you want to achieve? Can you reframe your goal so that it energises you, rather than depletes you?

It can help to think back to an earlier time when your goal enthused and motivated you. Perhaps you found that you were completely absorbed in an activity. Look back at this time and work out if there is anything that you can bring from that moment into today that will get you back on track.

Sloth (Alasya)

While no one wants to think that laziness is getting in their way, boredom and repetitiveness can make us lazy in our goals. For example, if your goal is to lose weight and follow a restrictive set meal plan, you can become bored in what you eat, which may mean you will likely give up your goal, rather than just switch up your meal plan.  

Another way that laziness can impede goals is when you become stuck in your routine that you find it impossible to make the changes you want to see. Goals can be hard to start because you are ingrained in your routine.

With this, it is important to remember that the first step is always the hardest. The easiest way to make the first change is to use habit-stacking. To do this, you add on the new behaviour with something you already do.  For example, if you usually lay out your clothes the night before, lay out your gym clothes, ready for a workout first thing.

Imbalance (Avirati)

When you have a range of goals, it is normal for one to drop off for the sake of another. It’s hard to feel balanced if you’re studying for a qualification while also trying to dedicate time to exercising and preparing healthy meals.

To help with this, try to note which habits are getting in the way balance. Is it the unhealthy snacking while working or the lack of time causing you to reach for a takeaway, maybe the stress of studying means you are drinking more alcohol to unwind? Whatever is not serving you anymore, try to identify it and offer an alternative solution that keeps you in balance.

Negligence (Pramada)

So often, we work on autopilot, which means we don’t notice when we’re doing something that contradicts our goals. For example, it could be pouring another glass of wine out of habit, even though your goal is alcohol moderation. It could be absent-mindedly snacking in front of the TV when you want to focus on healthy eating.

When striving towards goals, it really helps to be mindful of your actions and understanding what does and doesn’t serve you.

Self-depreciation (Alabdha- bhūmikatva)

This form of distraction is prevalent with weight loss and fitness goals. It occurs when you plateau in your goals. When a plateau or stagnation occurs, it can take another push to keep going; it often requires digging deep. So often, people lose willpower by this stage and give up.

It can help to reframe the plateau as a maintenance phase. It is a chance to take stock and remind yourself of what you’re working towards and why it is so important to you.

Delusion (Bhranti-darshana)

This type of distraction often occurs if you make a mistake during your goal progress. For example, if you’re focusing on healthy eating, but you have one meal that isn’t healthy, this can escalate to a day or even a week of unhealthy eating because you feel you’ve slipped up and might as well go all out.

What’s important when this form of distraction occurs is that you recognise that one mistake does not have to stop you from reaching your goal. You can still get back on track and reach your target.

Instability (Anavasthitatvani)

Goals can fail when you are inconsistent with your methods or have not got solid foundations in place. In yoga, this means not making your yoga practice a routine and also jumping straight to the more complex moves rather than solidifying the basics. We can say the same for any goal, make sure you start with the basics and build your goal into your routine, so it becomes habitual and easy to follow without distraction.

What’s Getting In The Way Of Your Goal?

If you’re finding your goals or resolutions hard to stick to,  or there is an obstacle or distraction that’s blocking your progress, hypnotherapy can help. To find out how to get back on track to achieve your goals, book your free consultation today by emailing

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