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Hypnotherapy London - Malminder Gill MNCIP
Hypnotherapist in London for individuals & corporates
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Keeping Resolutions

As the year draws to an end are you where you hoped to be? Are you still keeping resolutions from the start of the year? Did you succeed in losing that weight, cutting down your drinking or developing a regular meditation practice?

If you failed you are not alone. According to statistics, 41% of us make resolutions but almost half of us fail to keep them. A report in Psychology Today revealed that by December most of us have fallen back into our old ways. Furthermore, this is backed up by a study on failure rates which shows that only 19% of people succeed in keeping resolutions for 2 years.

Why we don’t succeed in sticking to resolutions

We set resolutions to motivate ourselves. However, we are usually not ready or prepared to change our behaviour or habits.

We have unrealistic goals or expectations.

We lack the confidence or self esteem to believe we can succeed.

I believe there are 9 steps that lead to broken resolutions

1: We get off to a good start by moderating our behaviour or abstaining from our addiction and feel ecstatic about our accomplishments.

2: We become overconfident and falsely believe we can re-introduce the habit or behaviour.

3: We reach a point where we become unable to sustain the negative habit or damaging behaviour.

4: We vow to moderate our behaviour, kick the habit or keep things under control.

5: We take steps to restrain our behaviour or maintain control over bad habits.

6: We fail in our attempts at moderation or let our addiction beat us and slip backwards.

7: We become consumed by guilt, shame or anger.

8: Our unmoderated behaviour or uncontrolled habit overwhelms us.

9: We return to step 1 and start the process again.

I consider the key to maintaining resolve and achieving success is finding your weak point in the above steps and asking, “What can I do differently to increase my chance of success?”

Answering this question will provide greater insight into why you fail and enable you to come up with strategies that empower you to achieve your goals.

How to be more successful at keeping resolutions and achieving your goals

Identify the right resolutions for you. The right steps will make keeping resolutions more successful

Acknowledge your weak points and consider how you will overcome these.

Prepare to change your thinking before you attempt to change behaviours.

Focus on one resolution and set specific measurable goals.

Plan how you will achieve your goals.

Gather support from family and friends.

Utilise effective tools that will increase your chance of success.

Follow these tips to achieve your goals

A professional therapist can help you to develop strategies for success and provide support for behavioural changes and emotional issues. Connecting with a good therapist can ease your struggle, prevent you from becoming overwhelmed and greatly increase your chance of success.

I’d love to help you achieve your goals in 2018.

For free advice on sticking to your New Year resolutions Contact Me


[1] Statistic Brain

[2] Psychology Today

[3] NCBI

[4] New York Times

[5] Natural News

[6] WebMD

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